Fear is the blackness each person must face, As simple as fear of the dark or public speaking or even the irrational: people too close to you in Walmart. As children I don't think we're really scared of everything like it seems to adults, just confused and lost.
"Fear can be defined as the expulsion of emotions without logic." If we face, or "understand" our fears we can conquer them. Those who are scared of heights, aren't really scared of the elevation but the sensation of falling.
But there's more to fear than Heights, Water, or even people to closet o you in walmart. Theres the overwhelming fear that keeps you awake at night. The fear of losing our home, what dire straight your family could be facing, or maybe its just you all alone. Every ones faced it.
Some like to walk through the fire of fear alone, I do. Whatever may be terrifying me shouldn't get the opportunity to scare those around me. Your friends and family will always say "we want to help because we love you" Its not like that everything
Sometimes to face your fear you go alone, to understand yourself.
Im not saying if you know everything you'll never be scared again...Im saying know why you have fear and you will defeat it.
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